Are you ready to start shopping for an engagement ring? Congratulations! Purchasing an engagement ring and preparing for the big proposal is crazy exciting as well as nerve-racking for a man. You need all the help you can get to deliver just the right touch of romance. Remember, engagement rings are typically a significant expense, so you may want to make sure that you do it right!

Factor in your budget

Many people believe that the value of engagement rings comes from the meaning behind them. However, the money invested plays a massive role in determining the best ring to propose with. Deciding on a budget early on can allow you to fully explore every available option when it comes to the characteristics of the gem and the design of the ring. There are no shortcuts nor rules about how much you should spend on an engagement ring. Spend according to what feels comfortable for you!

Choose the style of the ring

Choosing a ring style may be the most challenging part of buying an engagement ring. As a guide, you must factor in the fashion style of your significant other. It should give you a critical clue about the perfect ring. You can select from several styles such as classic, modern, and nature-inspired. There are also glamorous looks available as well as combinations of several styles. You must also be sure to be alert of any hints that your partner might be giving.

Selecting a gemstone

The classic engagement ring style will have a diamond at the centre, but you may not know whether your significant other will like this style or not. Perhaps they want something more unique. However, many experts say that 90% of engagement rings will have a diamond. The second popular choice is sapphires. If your girlfriend is unconventional, they might prefer something other than a diamond or sapphire. But based on statistics, either a diamond or sapphire is a safe bet.

It is also crucial to note that diamonds and sapphires are some of the world’s hardest gemstones. Diamonds are hardest on the scale, while sapphires rank nine on the grading scale of the Mohs scale of hardness. An advantage to a hard stone is it wears well with everyday use, which is a nonnegotiable for engagement rings. However, sapphires are more affordable than diamonds, so choosing sapphire allows you to have a giant gem for your money. Typically, sapphires are considered blue, but they also come in shades of yellow, pink, white, and numerous other colours.

Make your engagement ring a semi-surprise

If you want to give your girlfriend a surprise when you propose, but you are unsure of what will knock their socks off, consider purchasing a diamond or other gemstone and have it set on a temporary ring setting. After the proposals and you are finally engaged, you can have the gemstone reset into a setting of her choice. 

Consider going custom

If you are an artistic type or you want a unique ring, consider collaborating with a jewellery designer to create a one-of-a-kind engagement ring.

Although marriages are supposed to last forever, engagements are a one-time event. Make sure that you have critical pieces in your arsenal when you propose. Of course, the most remarkable feature will be the ring you choose. Select the right ring, and if she agrees, you might be truly one mind and one heart.

Author Bio:

Alison Lurie is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry.  She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.