Electric vehicle chargers have been commercialised on a more significant ground in today’s era. Meanwhile, they provide people with faster-charging capability, thus fulfilling its core nature. Car brands adapt this supercharging technology well. As such, EV charging stations provide vehicles to charge fast and are generally located near restaurant restrooms and other commercial stores. The charging station is similar to the petrol station that one usually sees. So, let’s consider the factors when selecting a commercial EV charger.

5 Factors That Govern Your Selection of Commercial EV Chargers

With the growing trend, people have adapted to new technologies. As such, the factors that govern the selection process of EV chargers are discussed below:

  • Charging Speed

Charging speed is considered the topmost priority when selecting the charger. Speed plays a vital role in EV chargers’ growth and revenue. If the speed is not up to the mark, then it would not suffice the demand, and thus selection of such a charger would be difficult. Meanwhile, consumers have poor tolerance and a thirst for completing any task with a high rate of speed. Thus, one must take the charger’s ability to charge fast quite seriously.

EV chargers have three levels: levels 1,2 and 3. Among these, level 2 provides a high power level and thus delivers faster charging for many drivers and therefore returns more revenue.

  • Enhanced Safety System

Safety is not considered a priority when buyers run through the selection, but it should be regarded above anything. It is a factor that works for both the host and the consumer. And when a large appliance is considered, reliability, efficiency and safety are the three most important things one must check before purchasing. Meanwhile, since level 2 chargers exploit high voltage than level 1, the former is designed with much safer measures. Apart from these, the cable and wiring are correctly done to avoid short circuit sparks that cause a fire. Thus, chargers that are made people-friendly should be selected.

  • Energy Efficiency

The whole world is singing the song about using eco-friendly energy. Thus, the selection of the charger depends on using energy resources that do not cause any harm to the environment. Besides, effective use of energy is necessary to build an excellent commercial EV charger. Thus, the charger that provides more energy is chosen over the one that does not. As such, level 2 chargers offer higher energy efficiency than level 1 and therefore have higher demand. Also, the energy star label is certified to the chargers that reduce environmental impact. Hence, the need for such chargers is more.

  • Open Protocol Charging Networks, Scalability and Future-Proof

Ev charging networks help build communication between different charging stations. These networks are also improved using smart charging to facilitate optimisation in charging. Open networks create a more prominent source of communication, connecting multiple stations with the same hardware than the closed network types that limit the functionality of the chargers.

  • Customisability/Branding

Customizability and branding functions grow the demand for EV chargers. By increasing their branding powers and sponsorships, publicity becomes easier, and these leave a positive impact on the consumers. These schemes and strategies show high commitment and sustainability to the drivers, and thus one can achieve profit.

Electric vehicles are the future of automobiles, and so are commercial EV chargers. Therefore, the factors should be checked properly before selecting a charger to ensure long-lasting functionality.

Author Bio:

Alison Lurie is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.