Increase Domain Authority

You, like many, might be familiar with the term domain authority, but you can’t explain it, let alone increase it to boost your business.

What is domain authority (DA)?

This is a search engine ranking score that estimates how “rankable” a website is on SERPs. While domain authority predicts your website’s ranking, it doesn’t represent the ranking. It’s worth noting that Google doesn’t use DA as a ranking metric.

This begs the question, how to increase domain authority if google doesn’t use it?

Domain authority gauges how well your website is likely to perform against competitors. A domain authority checker scores your websites ranging from 0 to 100. The higher the domain authority score is, the better your website is likely to rank.

Read along as we discuss five ways to increase your domain authority.

1. Create High-Quality Content

The creation of quality content should be a bare requirement for every website. This is because it’s the foundation and structure of your website. To ensure you attract the best audience to your site, you need engaging content.

Through engaging and quality content, users find the need to take action that you need them to in your website. With quality content, there are high chances of visitors sharing your site with their circle. This, in turn, translates to more visitors and higher opportunities for action, which may lead to purchases and growth of your business.

Also, it’s with quality content and links that Google uses to establish page rankings in Search Engines result pages (SERPs). Ideally, your website should appear on the first few pages of the page results. Appearing on the last pages is a sign you need to improve.

Quality content is essential for increasing brand recognition and showcasing your company as knowledgeable industry experts.

2. Building High-Quality Backlinks

These are links on websites other than yours, which, when linked, will direct the reader to your site. They’re instrumental as they serve as a gateway from which other websites traffic get to your site. Backlinks are necessary for your site to rank better in Google search results.

It’s therefore imperative to know how many you have and how good they are. You’ll be able to construct a link-building plan based on the facts in your backlink profile. This will improve search ranking positions and conversions.

While having great backlinks is very beneficial, it’s worth noting that not all backlinks are good for you. You don’t want your site associated with a spam website as it will do more harm than good. Google’s Penguin algorithm update exists to penalize sites linked to spammy and poor-quality websites.

3. Look For Crawlability Issues

Crawlers are bots used by search engines to index and download content from all corners of the internet. This makes it easy for them to identify and retrieve the content when it’s needed. When Google crawlers can’t find your site, it means they don’t know what you have to offer.

When they miss out on the great content that you have, your SERPs ranking is negatively affected. The logic is, if google has trouble finding you, Moz will, which translates to a low domain authority score.

Crawl errors are caused by several issues like broken links, duplicated content, robot.txt failure, slow load speeds, confusing redirect, and more. Regularly check your site with a site audit tool for any flaws that might be creating trouble.

You should aim to avoid crawlability issues like the plague! This is because they result in you not earning all of the SEO points you should, even though you have all the appropriate features in place.

4. Ensure Your Website Is Mobile Friendly

Did you know the typical American spends 5.4 hours every day on their mobile phones? As such, it’s no longer optional or courteous to have mobile-friendly websites; it’s a bare necessity. In fact, mobile-friendliness has become a ranking factor in Google PageRank.

Look at it this way; if your website isn’t designed for mobile visitors, the user experience will suffer a great deal.

These kinds of interactions will drive mobile consumers away from your pages and into the arms of your competitors. Understand that the way you present your information is very critical, and it’s no different when it comes to mobile technology.

If your site isn’t as friendly to mobile phone users, Google will see that, and you can bet your domain authority will be affected.

5. Increase Your Social Presence

Boosting your social presence is very critical in increasing your domain authority. Social cues like likes, retweets, shares, and tags play a huge role as both google and Moz look at them when evaluating your domain or page authority. While it doesn’t carry so much weight as backlinks do, they’re still viable options for increasing your domain authority.

Come up with ways to increase your social influence on your content. This not only increases your domain authority but also increases organic traffic to your website. This will translate into more growth for your business.

Engage your social audience by sharing blog posts, products, and services with catchy, enticing, and exciting definitions. This increases their chances of clicking to find more information.

Click here to learn more about SEO tools for increasing your online presence.

Boost Your Site by Learning How to Increase Domain Authority

Follow the above-mentioned tips to learn how to increase domain authority. This will increase your site’s ability to rank well on search engine result pages.

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